Centre for Policy on Ageing


Grandparental impact in young adults' relationships with their closest grandparents: the role of relationship strength and emotional closeness
Author(s)Mariana J Brussoni, Susan D Boon
Journal titleInternational Journal of Aging and Human Development, vol 46, no 4, 1998
Pagespp 267-286
KeywordsGrandparents ; Grandchildren ; Young adults [20-25] ; Personal relationships ; Canada.
AnnotationThe transition from adolescent to adult often leads to significant life changes that affect the strength and impact of grandparent-grandchild relationships. This Canadian study considered the role that relationship strength, generally, and emotional closeness, more specifically, may play in delimiting the bounds of grandparental influence in young adults' lives. A group of 171 undergraduates completed a questionnaire evaluating their relationship with the living grandparent to whom they felt most emotionally close or, if they felt close to none of their living grandparents, the grandparent with whom they had the most contact. Participants' perceptions of the strength of this relationship were significantly and positively related to their responses on measures of the extent to which their closest grandparent influenced various aspects of their lives. In addition, participants whose grandparent-grandchild relationships were emotionally close endorsed a broader range of alternatives on checklist measures of perceived relationship impact than did those whose relationships were more emotionally distant. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980701401 A
ClassmarkSW: SW5: SD6: DS: 7S

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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