Centre for Policy on Ageing


Healthful aging: a social perspective
Author(s)Judith A Sugar, Rosalie D Marinelli
Journal titleActivities, Adaptation & Aging, vol 21, no 4, 1997
Pagespp 1-12
KeywordsAgeing process ; Health [elderly] ; Preventative medicine ; Literature reviews ; United States of America.
AnnotationEvery day, we make decisions and take actions that affect the way we will age in the future. Most people come to terms with the realities of ageing through a long, gentle process, not acute, painful crisis. One of the realities of ageing in the US is that the first of almost 80 million members of the baby boom generation will reach the age of 65 early in the 21st century. Examples of recent studies are given, which consider service provision based on living in the community versus institutional care, and on prevention and health promotion. The author concludes that money will be better spent on health promotion and prevention, which will keep people as healthy as possible for as long as possible. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980625201 A
ClassmarkBG: CC: LK2: 64A: 7T

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