Centre for Policy on Ageing


Physical illness and disability among elderly people in England and Wales
 — the Medical Research Council cognitive function and ageing study
Author(s)C J Parker, Kevin Morgan, M E Dewey
Corporate AuthorAnalysis Group, Cognitive Function and Ageing Study, Medical Research Council - MRC
Journal titleJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health, vol 51, April 1997
Pagespp 494-501
KeywordsIll health ; Physical disabilities ; Cognitive processes ; Biological ageing ; Longitudinal surveys ; Cambridgeshire ; Gwynedd ; Newcastle upon Tyne ; Nottingham ; Oxford ; Liverpool.
AnnotationThis study was conducted as part of the Medical Research Council cognitive function and ageing study (MRC CFAS) of a random sample of people aged 65+ in Newcastle, Nottingham, Oxford, Cambridgeshire, Gwynedd and Liverpool. Age standardised prevalences were calculated for each geographical area, sex, and age group (65-74, 75+). Many conditions were more prevalent in the older age group, including stroke, Parkinson's disease, arthritis, diabetes, and shingles; hypertension was more common in the younger age group. Conditions that were more prevalent in men included angina, heart attack, stroke, head injury, and peptic ulcers, while hypertension, shingles, pernicious anaemia, and thyroid disease were more common in women. There was a complex pattern of area differences for individual conditions: Cambridgeshire had generally low prevalences for many diseases; Gwynedd and Newcastle had less healthy older populations; and Nottingham and Liverpool had the highest percentages of housebound. This study provides the most robust available estimates for lifetime prevalence of a variety of health conditions on a regional and national basis. It shows greatly increased prevalence of disability in the very old, particularly women. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980623213 A
ClassmarkCH: BN: DA: BH: 3J: 8C: 98: 86A: 8NTF: 8OC: 84B *

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