Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older people in New Zealand
 — an annotated bibliography of research on older people in New Zealand, 1986-1996
Author(s)Ana Gilling, Marg Gilling
Corporate AuthorAge Concern (New Zealand Inc); Business and Economic Research Ltd (BERL); New Zealand Association of Gerontology
PublisherAge Concern New Zealand, Wellington, 1997
Pages71 pp
SourceAge Concern New Zealand National Office, PO Box 10-688, Wellington, New Zealand.
KeywordsOlder people ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Services ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Research ; New Zealand ; Bibliographies.
AnnotationThis bibliography contains references to books, reports, journal articles, conference proceedings, and some unpublished materials, such as theses, on research on older people carried out in New Zealand or on New Zealand subjects, between 1986 and 1996. Each entry includes the following information: author, title, publication details, and keywords. A subject and an author index are included. Topics covered include attitudes toward ageing; caregiving; demography; education; family; health; mental health; housing; legal issues; rural and urban older people; and women. The bibliography also includes a list of government departments, political party research units, non-governmental organisations, and universities, which conduct research. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980623203 B
ClassmarkB: F: I: TOB: 3A: 7YN: 63

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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