Centre for Policy on Ageing


Putting the case for a citizen's income: a new dimension to welfare reform
 — the Citizen's Income Trust's response to the 1998 Budget and the green paper "A new contract for welfare"
Corporate AuthorCitizen's Income Trust
PublisherCitizen's Income Trust, London, 1998
Pages4 pp
SourceCitizen's Income Study Centre, St Philips Building, Sheffield Street, London WC2A 2EX.
KeywordsIncome [older people] ; Social economics ; Poverty ; The Budget ; Social welfare ; Comments or Evidence submitted.
AnnotationWhilst the Citizen's Income Trust welcomes measures in the 1998 Budget to tackle the various poverty traps, it is concerned that social exclusion will persist if something is not done to help those unable to participate in the paid workforce. Although the Green Paper, `New ambitions for our country: a new contract for welfare' recognises the problems associated with welfare reform and upholds the state pension, the Trust expresses concern at the 1998 Budget's lack of innovation with regard to poorer pensioners' incomes. The Trust advocates a Citizen's Income (CI) which would provide an unconditional, small but guaranteed tax-free (and non means-tested) income for all. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980619207 P
ClassmarkJF: W4: W6: WN7: TY: 6PM *

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