Centre for Policy on Ageing


Private hospitals, homes and clinics registered under Section 23 of the Registered Homes Act 1984
 — England - position at 31 March 1993
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DoH; Government Statistical Service - GSS
PublisherGSS, London, 1994
Pages249 pp [Community care statistics]
SourceDepartment of Health, Statistics Division 2A, Area 430B, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London SE1 6LW.
KeywordsNursing homes ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Private health services ; Bed availability ; Nurses ; Statistics [data].
AnnotationThis publication presents information on registered private hospitals, homes and clinics derived from Department of Health (DoH) statistical return form K036, issued to district health authorities. Statistical tables include information on facilities (numbers of beds), registration by type of institution, and staffing. The introduction suggests the need for caution in using the information: returns may not have been completed in every instance, so that parts do not add up to the totals; or because information may have been derived directly from reports provided by proprietors or `persons in charge' and has not been independently verified. From 1996 this annual publication ceased and data was only available in the Department of Health's Statistical Bulletin series. (RH/KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-980619205 B
ClassmarkLHB: Q3: LH: QKW: QTE: 6C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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