Centre for Policy on Ageing


Health and welfare for the elderly
 — an outline of systems and trends
Corporate AuthorBureau of Health and Social Welfare Services for the Aged, Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan
PublisherFoundation of Social Development for Senior Citizens, Tokyo, [1994?]
Pages185 pp
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Social policy ; Japan.
AnnotationJapan's older population is ageing rapidly, with consequences for health and welfare policy. This report describes the policies and programmes set out in the New Golden Plan (1994), a revision of the Ten-Year Strategy to Promote Health Care and Welfare for the Aged (Golden Plan, 1989). The following areas are covered: lifestyle and health of older people; concrete measures and future issues in the New Golden Plan; aims of health services for older people; medical care for older people; welfare measures for older people living at home (home help services, short-stay services, day care, technical aids); nursing homes and residential care homes; and housing. Also included is a section on statistical information on various topics related to the ageing population and services for older people. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980610223 B
ClassmarkI: L: TM2: 7DT

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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