Centre for Policy on Ageing


Modernising local democracy
 — a response to the Government's consultation process on local government
Author(s)Carl Emmerson, John Hall
Corporate AuthorInstitute for Fiscal Studies - IFS
PublisherInstitute for Fiscal Studies, London, 1998
Pages32 pp (Commentary 70)
SourceThe Institute for Fiscal Studies, 7 Ridgmount Street, London WC1E 7AE.
KeywordsLocal government ; Public expenditure ; Council tax ; Comments or Evidence submitted.
AnnotationOver the last few years, central government in the United Kingdom (UK) has operated a system of control over local authority current expenditure. Each year, central government sets down maximum limits or "caps" on the budget that each local authority is allowed to set. The government has recently invited comments on its proposals to modernise local government. This commentary examines the arguments for local authority reform. It describes and evaluates the government's proposals, considers arguments for the retention of reserve capping powers, discusses proposed reforms to the local finance system that would make the link between local spending decisions and council tax bills clearer to local voters, and considers the argument behind proposals to make local authorities more accountable to their electorates. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980601410 B
ClassmarkVP: WN8: WQR: 6PM

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