Centre for Policy on Ageing


A framework for housing with support
 — a tool to describe, evaluate and continuously improve services
Author(s)Sue Goss
Corporate AuthorOffice for Public Management, Department of Health - DoH; National Housing Federation - NHF
PublisherNational Housing Federation, London, 1998
Pages38 pp
SourceNational Housing Federation, 175 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8UP.
KeywordsSheltered housing ; Hostels ; Care homes ; Community care ; Evaluation ; Performance ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationHousing with support is a term which can cover a wide range of provision of supported housing, from direct access hostels to residential care homes (including sheltered housing). While there are existing standards for housing management in these schemes and standards are set for residential care homes, there are no core standards covering the quality of support across all types of provision. The Inquiry into the death of Jonathan Newby - a volunteer killed by a service user in a registered care home for homeless people with mental health problems - highlighted the lack of clarity of standards, expectations and support needs for purchasers, providers and users of housing with support. Accordingly, this publication has developed standards, and builds on the National Housing Federation's (NHF) Housing Care and Support Code. It outlines the Framework; discusses the chosen approach to standards; and sets out the Framework and how it can be used, giving examples of evidence. Whilst aimed at providers of housing with support, the providers of other support services for vulnerable people may be able to apply elements of the framework to their activities. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980601005 B
ClassmarkKLA: KVA: KW: PA: 4C: 5H: 583

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