Centre for Policy on Ageing


Long-term care review
Author(s)Chai Patel
Corporate AuthorLong-Term Care Working Group, Better Regulation Task Force, Office of Public Service, Cabinet Office
PublisherCabinet Office, London, 1998
Pages24 pp
SourceBetter Regulation Task Force, Room 72a/2, Cabinet Office, Horse Guards Road, London SW1P 3AL.
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Long term ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Government publications.
AnnotationThis report assesses the regulation, inspection and registration of long-term care for adults against the principles of transparency, accountability, targeting, consistency and proportionality (as laid down by the Better Regulation Task Force in `Principles of good regulation'). It has been guided primarily by the Burgner report, `The regulation and inspection of social services', and by contributions from consumer (or user) groups and those who provide and regulate long-term care in residential homes and nursing homes. Recommendations include: clarifying the purpose of regulation; all care providers to be regulated, including domiciliary care; mandatory requirements should be set nationally; a new national agency should oversee enforcement, with locally based units carrying out registration and inspection to a structured set of requirements; statutory training requirements; a complaints and appeals mechanism; and eligibility and assessment criteria. The emphasis is on the regulation side as laid down under the Registered Homes Act 1984, with no reference to other established codes of good practice. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980601002 B
ClassmarkKW: LHB: 4Q: Q3: 6OA

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