Centre for Policy on Ageing


Eating well for older people with dementia
 — a good practice guide for residential and nursing homes and others involved in caring for older people with dementia : report of an expert working group
Author(s)Anne Dillon Roberts
Corporate AuthorExpert Working Group on Eating Well for Older People with Dementia, Voluntary Organisations Involved in Caring in the Elderly Sector (VOICES)
PublisherVOICES; Gardner Merchant Healthcare Services, Potters Bar, 1998
Pages68 pp
SourceVOICES, c/o Association of Charity Officers, Beechwood House, Wyllyotts Close, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 2HN.
KeywordsDementia ; Nutrition ; Diet ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThis work results from an earlier report `Eating well for older people', by the Caroline Walker Trust, having identified the need to look at how dementia affects the ability to eat well. It examines the role that good nutrition can play in the care of older people with dementia, and how a good diet can help with health problems. It offers practical guidelines for achieving a good diet, and strategies to encourage older people with dementia to eat well. The training of staff and their involvement at all levels are seen as important, so that nutrition becomes part of a home's organisational culture. Design features can also encourage good nutrition, and recommendations are made for this and the other aspects covered. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980520215 B
ClassmarkEA: CF: CFD: KW: LHB: 583

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