Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ethnic diversity in England and Wales
 — an analysis by health authorities based on the 1991 Census
Corporate AuthorNational Institute for Ethnic Studies in Health and Social Policy (NIESH)
PublisherNational Institute for Ethnic Studies in Health and Social Policy, Southall, 1997
Pages306 pp
SourceNIESH, South East House, St Bernard's Hospital, Uxbridge Road, Middlesex UB1 3EU.
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Black people ; Asian people ; Chinese people ; Population statistics ; Census ; Demography ; Social economics ; England ; Wales.
AnnotationThe Census of 1991 (Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS)) was the first to include a question on ethnic origin of respondents. This report presents demographic, social and economic data relating to ethnic minority groups living in England and Wales, on a national and district health authority level. The first section contains the text, and provides an overview of the main socioeconomic and demographic features of the different groups at national level. It also contains ethnic profiles of the following groups: Black Caribbeans, Black Africans, Black others, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Chinese. Section two contains the complete data set for England and Wales and the district health authority data for each ethnic group, in tabular form. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980518401 B
ClassmarkTK: TKE: TKK: TKL: S4: S4C: S8: W4: 82: 9

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