Centre for Policy on Ageing


Interdependence and independence
 — averting the poverty of older persons in an ageing world
Author(s)Margaret Grieco, Nana Araba Apt
Corporate AuthorUnited Nations
Journal titleBulletin on Ageing, nos 2/3, 1996
PublisherNew York, 1996
Pagespp 10-18
KeywordsOlder women ; Poverty ; Social economics ; Social policy ; Case studies ; Africa ; Ghana ; International.
AnnotationFrom their work in Africa, the authors view the preservation of the economic and social productivity of older people, especially older women, as being the key to economic independence. Policy makers need to start thinking in terms of how to extend the economic life of the individual; and the authors describe case studies of informal systems of credit provision and trading in Ghana which achieve this aim. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980514231 A
ClassmarkBD: W6: W4: TM2: 69P: 7J: 7MS: 72

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