Centre for Policy on Ageing


The discharge of elderly patients from hospital
Author(s)Tom Chapman, Barbara Jack
Journal titleReviews in Clinical Gerontology, vol 6, no 3, August 1996
Pagespp 241-248
KeywordsDischarge [hospitals] ; Management [care] ; Policy ; Standards of provision ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationStudies of hospital discharge of older people have consistently revealed poor and unsatisfactory practice. Official documentation is reviewed, including: Health circular HC(89)5, `Discharge of patients from hospital' (DoH, 1989); the Patient's charter; and the Hospital discharge workbook (DoH, 1994). Since the introduction of the NHS and Community Care Act, discharge procedures have taken on added significance with the need for jointly agreed procedures. A review of the literature also reveals criticisms, concerns and shortcomings: poor communication between hospital and community; lack of assessment and planning for discharge; ambiguities in professional responsibilities; and organisational obstacles between primary and secondary care. The authors conclude that policy-making is likely to be dictated by legal challenge and judicial review, because a narrowly defined, market-led `resource management' model dominates the health service. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980514219 A
ClassmarkLD:QKJ: QA: QAD: 583: 64A

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