Centre for Policy on Ageing


The 1996 UKHCA Survey
 — growth and stability for independent sector providers?
Author(s)Ruth Young, Gerald Wistow
Corporate AuthorPersonal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, University of York; Nuffield Institute for Health
Journal titleThe Mixed Economy of Care Bulletin, 5, October 1996
Pagespp 18-20
KeywordsDomiciliary services ; Commercial care ; Voluntary agencies ; Community care ; Local Authority ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThis article outlines the publication: "Domiciliary care markets: growth and stability? Report of the 1996 survey of UKHCA members" (1996) as undertaken by Young and Wistow. The publication details findings of the second annual survey of UKHCA (United Kingdom Home Care Association) members since the community care changes came into force in 1993. The survey provides a profile of the independent domiciliary care sector, and examines its relationships with local government - from which the proportion of contracted out services has expanded considerably. However, the level of dependence on local authorities, and the relative instability of funding from this source, is also seen as a threat to business viability and continuity of care from the independent sector providers' perspective. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980513231 A
ClassmarkN: PI: PK: PA: PE: 3F

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