Centre for Policy on Ageing


Reactions to ageing among Australian students
 — a rural-urban comparison
Author(s)Suzy Gattuso, Celia Saw
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 17, no 1, February 1998
Pagespp 38-39
KeywordsStudents ; Ageism ; Rural areas ; Urban areas ; Comparison ; Australia.
AnnotationThis brief report assesses expectations about ageing of students in Australia from urban and rural backgrounds, preparing for careers in health and social services. The Reactions to Ageing Questionnaire was used in a survey of 136 first- and second-year students enrolled in occupational therapy, nursing and welfare courses at three rural campuses. Contact with older people, defined as the number of people aged 65 and over counted as family or friends, was treated as a moderator variable. Students from rural backgrounds were found to have more negative expectations about ageing than their urban counterparts. Contact with older people, as measured in this study, was not associated with expectations about ageing. Further research needs to refine the concepts of `rural' and `contact', to advance understanding of rural attitudes to ageing. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980511010 A
ClassmarkXN: B:TOB: RL: RK: 48: 7YA

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