Centre for Policy on Ageing


Community care in the 1990s : a guide to the jargon
 — an "insight" into mental health in old age
Author(s)Colin Kelcey
Corporate AuthorInsight Research and Training Consultants
PublisherKelcey Publications, Kidderminster, 1997
Pagesunnumbered (Insight series)
SourceInsight Research and Training Consultants, Fingal House, 14a St John's Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcs. DY11 6AT.
KeywordsCommunity care ; Dictionaries.
AnnotationThe National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 has led to a whole new jargon which attempts to describe the `new' ways for caring for people, together with the systems for provision of care and payment for services. This glossary offers the intelligent lay-person explanations of words and phrases which appear in the Act, or are to be found in Policy Guidance notes relating to the Act. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980505218 P
ClassmarkPA: 66 *

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