Centre for Policy on Ageing


The Carers' Act 1995 : a brief guide
 — an "insight" into mental health in old age
Author(s)Colin Kelcey
Corporate AuthorInsight Research and Training Consultants
PublisherKelcey Publications, Kidderminster, 1998
Pagesunnumbered (Insight series)
SourceInsight Research and Training Consultants, Fingal House, 14a St John's Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcs. DY11 6AT.
KeywordsFamily care ; Rights [elderly] ; Evaluation.
AnnotationAlthough the White paper `Caring for people' identified as one of its principles `to ensure that service providers ... make practical support for carers a high priority', this was absent from the NHS and Community Care Act 1990. This pamphlet outlines the Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995, which attempts to deal with that omission, and the author comments on the Act's strengths and weaknesses. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980505217 P
ClassmarkP6:SJ: IKR: 4C *

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