Centre for Policy on Ageing


Rural health and aging research
 — theory, methods and practical applications
Author(s)Wilbert M Gesler, Donna J Rabiner, Gordon H DeFriese
PublisherBaywood, Amityville, NY, 1998
Pages264 pp (Society and aging series)
SourceBaywood Publishing Company, Inc., 26 Austin Avenue, PO Box 337, Amityville, New York 11701, USA.
KeywordsRural areas ; Health [elderly] ; Ageing process ; Health services ; Well being ; Arrangement ; Methodology ; Measurement ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis volume has its origins in work relating to the North Carolina Rural Aging Program (NC RAP), and presents methods or approaches which have helped in understanding issues or problems relating to rural health and ageing. The book is divided into three sections, covering: the definition and presentation of health problems of older people living in rural areas; the measurement of levels of illness and health; and the evaluation of health care practices. Each chapter states how a particular research approach can be used, provides a theoretical background for its use, describes its strengths and weaknesses, demonstrates how the method has been used in other studies, and makes an overall assessment of its usefulness. Whilst references are made to US sources of information, the methodologies can be applied to examining geographical aspects of healthcare in the UK. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980505213 B
ClassmarkRL: CC: BG: L: D:F:5HH: 5D: 3D: 3R: 7T

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