Centre for Policy on Ageing


Statistics: a matter of trust: a consultation document
 — presented to Parliament by the Economic Secretary to the Treasury
Corporate AuthorTreasury
PublisherTSO, London, 1998
Pages42 pp (Cm 3882)
SourceThe Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.
KeywordsStatistics [data] ; Central government departments and agencies ; Policy ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe Government is aiming to enhance the integrity, both actual and perceived, of official statistics. This has two aspects: assured quality; and freedom from political interference in compilation and presentation. This Green Paper has the following main parts: the historical, current and international context; the case for change; the scope of official statistics, towards a concept of National Statistics; options for improving the framework for accountability and governance; the location of responsibilities; maintenance of professional standards across all statistical work in Government; and the implications of devolution. The Green Paper puts forward four models as options for accountability and governance, which should not be regarded as mutually exclusive: strengthening existing arrangements; establishment of a governing board with a non-executive chair; establishing an independent Statistical Commission; direct accountability to Parliament. Views were invited on these options, other questions for consultation, and on related issues before the closing date of 31 May 1998. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980430203 B
Classmark6C: PC: QAD: 6OA

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