Centre for Policy on Ageing


Life expectancy in England
 — variations and trends by gender, health authority, and level of deprivation
Author(s)Veena Soni Raleigh, Victor A Kiri
Journal titleJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health, vol 51, part 6, 1997
Pagespp 649-658
KeywordsLife expectancy tables ; Poverty ; Health Authorities and Trusts ; Social trends ; Longitudinal surveys ; England.
AnnotationVariations and trends in life expectancy in 105 English district health authorities (DHAs) were investigated in relation to rank, gender, and to Jarman deprivation category score. Mortality data for English district health authorities from 1984 to 1994, compiled by the Office for National Statistics (ONS, previously the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, OPCS), were assessed conventionally and using life table techniques. Results indicate that differences in life expectancy had widened over the decade and prosperous areas with the greatest longevity had seen the largest gains. In most deprived areas, improvements in life expectancy were negligible. The greatest gender differences in life expectancy were also seen in deprived areas. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980428211 A
ClassmarkS7: W6: L4A: TM3: 3J: 82 *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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