Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social care in London 1996
 — statistics for social services
Author(s)John Flatley , Doreen Kenny, Grant Pettitt
Corporate AuthorHousing and Social Research Department, London Research Centre
PublisherLondon Research Centre, London, [1998]
Pages137 pp
SourceLondon Research Centre, 81 Black Prince Road, London SE1 7SZ.
KeywordsStatistics [data] ; Social Services Departments ; Mental disorder ; Cognitive impairment ; Physical disabilities ; Domiciliary services ; Care homes ; London.
AnnotationThis publication brings together statistics on social services and related subjects, the main source for which is Department of Health (DoH) information based on local authority returns and other data for March 1996 and the survey week in September 1996. Where possible, figures from the time of implementation of the NHS and Community Care Act 1990 in April 1993 are given, to show comparisons and trends. Chapters of particular interest cover: older people; people with learning difficulties; people with physical disabilities and sensory impairment; people with mental health, drug or alcohol problems; day and domiciliary care; and residential care for adults. Some demographic information from official sources is also included. This publication is the first in what is intended to be an annual series.
Accession NumberCPA-980427004 B
Classmark6C: PF: E: E4: BN: N: KW: 82L

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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