Centre for Policy on Ageing


Experienced consent in geriatrics research
 — a new method to optimize the capacity to consent in frail elderly subjects
Author(s)Marcel G M Olde Rikkert, John H L van den Bercken, Henk A M J ten Have
Journal titleJournal of Medical Ethics, vol 23, no 5, October 1997
Pagespp 271-276
KeywordsPatients ; Rights [elderly] ; Medical care ; Research ; Netherlands.
AnnotationCognitive and sensory difficulties frequently jeopardize informed consent of frail older patients. This Dutch study is the first to test whether preliminary research experience could enhance geriatric patients' capacity to consent. A step-wise consent procedure was introduced in a study on fluid balance in geriatric patients. Eligible patients providing verbal consent participated in a one week try-out, during which bioelectrical impedance and weight measurements were performed daily. Comprehension, risk and inconvenience scores were obtained before and after the try-out by asking ten questions about the study's essentials, and by asking for a risk and inconvenience assessment on a ten-points rating scale. Seventy of the 78 eligible subjects started the try-out and 53 provided written consent. The comprehension score increased following the try-out. The number of subjects capable of weighing risks and inconveniences increased from 32 to 48. In conclusion, research experience improved the capacity to consent, still enabling an acceptable participation rate. Therefore, experienced consent seems a promising tool to optimize informed consent. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980423236 A
ClassmarkLF: IKR: LK: 3A: 76H

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