Centre for Policy on Ageing


A relative's perspective
Author(s)Dorothy White
Corporate AuthorRelatives Association
Journal titleRegistered Homes, vol 1, no 8, December 1996
Pagespp 88-90
KeywordsCare homes ; Family relationships.
AnnotationThe author founded the Relatives Association in 1992, and retired as its Chair in 1996. This article is based on a speech given to the Care Forum Wales conference `Marking the Charges' on 15th November 1996. The author notes some consequences of the Care in the Community procedures for residential and nursing homes: frailer, more confused residents, who would previously have been regarded as requiring hospital care; costs of meeting care assessed as being required; older people themselves contemplate going into a home only as a last resort; and depression. She suggests that the perception of homes as part of the community care system would improve with involvement of relatives and friends. The practical advantages would be: helping to maintain the resident's sense of identity; helping with the caring task and in other practical ways; helping with the organisation of large scale activities; providing mutual support for relatives and friends; providing feedback to the home; and developing a better joint understanding. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980423228 A
ClassmarkKW: DS:SJ

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