Centre for Policy on Ageing


A study of disability living allowance and attendance allowance awards
 — a study carried out by the Department of Social Security
Author(s)Kirby Swales
Corporate AuthorSocial Research Branch, Department of Social Security - DSS
PublisherDepartment of Social Security, London, 1998
Pages80 pp (excluding appendices) (In-house report 41)
SourceKeith Watson, Social Research Branch, DSS, 10th floor Adelphi, 1 - 11 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6HT.
KeywordsDisablement benefit ; Attendance allowance ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThis study is based on a sample survey of 1200 cases, representative of all those awarded Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Attendance Allowance (AA) since 1994, except those who receive the higher rate mobility component alone. The study's main aims were to find out: how people qualify for DLA/AA; if there are overlaps in current entitlement conditions; consistency of reported care needs; evidence held on claim forms; and accuracy of decisions. There are summaries of the aids and adaptations used by DLA and AA claimants; and the effects of case law (the Mallinson and Halliday judgments). Two key messages emerge from the research: imbalances and overlaps in the current system of entitlement conditions; and doubt is cast on the quality of decisions, and the adequacy of the evidence on which they are based. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980421209 P
ClassmarkJHK: JHP: 3F

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