Centre for Policy on Ageing


The failed Patient Self-Determination Act and policy alternatives for the right to die
Author(s)Jeffrey L Yates, Henry R Glick
Journal titleJournal of Aging & Social Policy, vol 9, no 4, 1997
Pagespp 29-50
KeywordsTerminal care ; Medical care ; Wills ; Death ; Patients ; Doctors ; Law ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe empirical evidence regarding the implementation of the federal Patient-Self-Determination Act in the United States (US) is examined in this article. The Act was designed to increase the use of advance medical directives in light of the US Supreme Court's Cruzan decision. Research shows that the law has had little effect and that the use of advance directives has scant relation to medical treatment and care. Various policy alternatives for the right to die are also examined. The authors conclude with an analysis of the likely impact of medical costs, fruitless treatment, and rationed health care on limiting life-prolonging treatment.
Accession NumberCPA-980406410 A
ClassmarkLV: LK: VTH: CW: LF: QT2: VR: 7T

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