Centre for Policy on Ageing


Voluntary means, social ends
Author(s)Jeremy Kendall, Martin Knapp
Corporate AuthorPersonal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, University of Kent
PublisherUniversity of Kent, Canterbury, 1995
Pages24 pp
SourcePSSRU, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF.
KeywordsVoluntary agencies ; Charities ; Central government departments and agencies ; Local Authority Agencies ; Social policy ; Statistics [data].
AnnotationVoluntary organisations are increasingly being called upon to substitute and complement government activities in contexts where informal action and commercial enterprise are known or believed to be inadequate, inappropriate or inefficient. However, these expectations have not been informed by a clear understanding of what the voluntary sector is, how it is financed, or how it links with the government, commercial or household sectors. This report introduces the 13-country Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, which looks at voluntary sector activities, income, expenditure and employment. The report provides a statistical profile (for 1990) of the voluntary sector. It considers the relationship between the voluntary sector and the state (central and local government), and gives an overview of policy issues.
Accession NumberCPA-980331219 B
ClassmarkPK: PL: PC: PD: TM2: 6C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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