Centre for Policy on Ageing


The relationships of health to affect assessed in both state and trait form: how does age impact the relationships?
Author(s)R J Casten, M P Lawton, L Winter
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 1, no 3, August 1997
Pagespp 230-237
KeywordsEmotions ; Personality ; Health [elderly] ; Older people ; Adults ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe purpose of this study was to compare the relationships of health to both state and trait affects. A secondary goal was to determine if these relationships are affected by age. Data were collected from questionnaires completed by a sample of 560 adults aged between 20 and 87 years in the United States (US). Using structural equation modelling, the latent variable health (pain, self-rated health and a count of health conditions) was regressed on the latent variable state and trait positive affects, and state and trait negative affects. Age and gender were treated as covariates. Results indicated that trait negative affect and state positive affect are associated with health, suggesting that multiple processes may account for the affect/health relationship. Furthermore, when age was entered into the model, it was found that age is related to presence of disease, but unrelated to subjective ratings of health.
Accession NumberCPA-980325228 A
ClassmarkDL: DK: CC: B: SD: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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