Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age, arterial stiffness and the endothelium
 — the Trevor Howell Lecture
Author(s)John R Cockcroft, Ian B Wilkinson, David J Webb
Corporate AuthorBritish Geriatrics Society - BGS; British Society for Research on Ageing - BSRA
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 26, supplement 4, December 1997
Pagespp 53-60
KeywordsCardiovascular systems ; Cardiovascular diseases.
AnnotationArterial stiffness, through its effect on the pulse wave and central aortic pressure, may be a key determinant of increased cardiovascular risk. Enhanced vascular stiffness my arise not only as a result of age-related and irreversible degenerative arteriosclerotic changes, but also as a result of reversible endothelial dysfunction. Such changes may occur early in the course of diseases associated with premature vascular ageing. Pulse wave analysis may provide a simple, reliable, non-invasive method for detecting endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular risk at a stage when therapeutic intervention may be of benefit. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980325224 A
ClassmarkBKK: CQ

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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