Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ageing, cognition and dementia
Author(s)Felicia Huppert, Gordon Wilcock
Corporate AuthorBritish Geriatrics Society - BGS; British Society for Research on Ageing - BSRA
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 26, supplement 4, December 1997
Pagespp 20-23
KeywordsBiological ageing ; Dementia ; Mental ageing.
AnnotationRather than provide answers in their consideration of age-related changes in cognitive function, the authors aim to stimulate thought, suggesting that there may be alternative approaches to our understanding of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias. Their paper discusses assessment of cognition, the relevance of age-related changes in cognition to the diagnosis of dementia, and possible reasons for the difficulty in identifying early dementia and its causes. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980325219 A
ClassmarkBH: EA: D6

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