Centre for Policy on Ageing


The interface between ageing and health in man
Author(s)Thomas B L Kirkwood, Mary A Ritter
Corporate AuthorBritish Geriatrics Society - BGS; British Society for Research on Ageing - BSRA
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 26, supplement 4, December 1997
Pagespp 9-14
KeywordsBiological ageing ; Health [elderly] ; Endocrine systems ; Tissues ; Cells.
AnnotationThe interface between ageing and health (and conversely, disease) is considered, using the specific example of the immune system, and the links between immunosenescence and disease. The major challenge is to understand the underlying biological mechanisms of ageing and how these contribute to the pathogenesis of age-related diseases. Ultimately, it will be through our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of ageing and the complex genetic bases of these processes, that the interface will become clearer. The immune system exemplifies the intrinsic complexity and challenge of defining the interface between ageing and health, in particular as regards the impact of ageing on a system that relies on cell proliferation and cell-cell interactions for its normal functions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980325217 A
ClassmarkBH: CC: BKH: BKT: BKV

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