Centre for Policy on Ageing


Report of the consultative meeting on improving concepts and methods for statistics and indicators on the situation of elderly women; New York, 28-30 May 1991
 — organized by the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women in collaboration with the Statistical Office of the United Nations
Corporate AuthorInternational Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW); Statistical Office, United Nations - UN
PublisherINSTRAW, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 1997
Pages24 pp (INSTRAW/SER.A/32)
SourceINSTRAW, P.O. Box 21747, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
KeywordsOlder women ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Statistics ; Methodology ; International.
AnnotationThe meeting was convened to pool expertise and experiences on the use of statistics and data on ageing, and to look at problems on the availability, adequacy and reliability of data on older women. Three major subject areas were explored regarding older women: their position in family formation and households; their economic activity and social support; and health status and provision of care. Recommendation were made on the availability of data from national and international statistical offices. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980317221 B
ClassmarkBD: F: 3Y: 3D: 72 *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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