Centre for Policy on Ageing


Health care for older persons, a country profile: Italy
Author(s)Pierugo Carbonin, Roberto Bernabei, Giuseppe Zuccala
Journal titleJournal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol 45, no 12, December 1997
Pagespp 1519-1522
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Policy ; Italy.
AnnotationThe rate of population ageing in Italy is similar to that of other European countries, and health care expenditure is comparable to the mean European expenditure. However, the availability of nursing home beds is much lower than the average in Europe. This article briefly describes the healthcare system in Italy, as it relates to older people. In particular, it focuses on the Progetto Obiettivo Salue dell'Anziano, the 1992 Act which makes provision for care of older people. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980316410 A
ClassmarkI: L: QAD: 76V

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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