Centre for Policy on Ageing


Geriatric medicine
 — a brief history
Author(s)John Grimley Evans
Journal titleBritish Medical Journal, vol 315, no 7115, 25 October 1997
Pagespp 1075-1077 (BMJ Aging issue)
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Histories.
AnnotationAlthough the word 'geriatrics' was invented by Ignatz L Nascher, a Vienna-born immigrant to the United States in 1909, the medical specialty was essentially a product of the NHS (National Health Service). The author outlines the achievements of pioneers in the field, Marjory Warren and Lionel Cosin. While British geriatrics may still be ahead of the rest of the world, its research base needs attention.
Accession NumberCPA-980310001 A
ClassmarkCC: 6A *

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