Centre for Policy on Ageing


Community health care for elderly people
 — report of a CSAG committee
Author(s)Dame June Clark
Corporate AuthorClinical Standards Advisory Group
PublisherThe Stationery Office, London, 1998
Pages63 pp
SourceThe Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.
KeywordsDischarge [hospitals] ; Health services ; General practice ; Nursing ; Community care ; United Kingdom ; Reports.
AnnotationThe Clinical Standards Advisory Group (CSAG) was set up in 1991 as an independent source of expert advice to health ministers and to the National Health Service (NHS) on standards of clinical care for NHS patients. In 1994, the group was asked to advise on standards for older people, particularly those who had been discharged from hospital following treatment for fractured femur. Contracting for community health services, the range of services provided and the interface between these services and those provided by other agencies were investigated, through visits to a sample of NHS districts, a study of the views of primary care staff, and a study of a small sample of patients following discharge from hospital. The main findings were: inequity of access to care because of local variability in services and charging policies; problems with the distinction between health and social care; gaps in the availability of rehabilitation and nursing care in the community; inappropriate transfer of care responsibilities between different agencies in order to avoid cost; problems with contracting for services, the process of hospital discharge, and inadequate numbers of qualified staff. The report concludes with recommendations.
Accession NumberCPA-980304406 B
ClassmarkLD:QKJ: L: L5: LQ: PA: 8: 6K

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