Centre for Policy on Ageing


Face and word memory differences are related to patterns of right and left lateral ventricle size in healthy aging
Author(s)Annemaria Berardi, James V Haxby, Charles De Carli
Journal titleThe Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 52B, no 1, January 1997
Pagespp P54-P61
KeywordsMemory and Reminiscence ; Mental ageing ; Ageing process ; Age groups [elderly] ; Young adults [20-25] ; Correlation ; United States of America.
AnnotationLateral ventricle (LV) size is an index of brain atrophy which can be measured non-invasively using x-ray computed (CT) brain imaging. In this study, discrepancy between face and word memory was measured with experimental continuous recognition tests and compared with right-left symmetry of LV size, measured with volumetric x-ray computed tomography, in 10 young and 10 older subjects. All were right-handed and healthy. Older subjects differed significantly from young subjects on face but not word memory; they had significantly larger LVs, and more LV asymmetry. No group trend toward disproportionate age-related enlargement of the right ventricle relative to the left was noted. In older subjects, LV asymmetry correlated with face-word memory discrepancies in the expected direction, worse word than face memory being associated with disproportionate enlargement of the left LV. These correlations were not significant in young subjects. These results suggest that the group trend toward disproportionate non-verbal/visual, as opposed to visual, age-related memory differences is not associated with a group trend towards disproportionate enlargement of the right ventricle.
Accession NumberCPA-980227009 A
ClassmarkDB: D6: BG: BB: SD6: 49: 7T

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