Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social policy and the labour market
Author(s)Philip R de Jong, Theodore R Marmor
Corporate AuthorFoundation for International Studies on Social Security
PublisherAshgate, Aldershot, 1997
Pages412 pp (International studies on social security, vol 2)
SourceAshgate, Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3HR.
KeywordsSocial security benefits ; Retirement ; Labour economics ; National insurance contributions ; Social welfare ; Social policy.
AnnotationThis volume includes some of the papers presented at three International Research Seminars on 'Issues in Social Security' held May 1984, June 1995 and May 1996 in Sigtuna, Sweden, and organised by FISS (the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security) in cooperation with the Swedish Federation for Social Security Offices (Försäkringskasseförbundet, FKF). The papers have in common a link between social security with labour market behaviour, and are grouped in six sections, the first being on social policy in general. The next four sections are grouped according to specific income risks examined: early retirement; disability and rehabilitation (relating to the capacity to work); unemployment insurance; and welfare. The final section, on social welfare systems in transition, examines countries which have been undergoing changes in political environment: Poland, the Czech Republic, South Africa, China, and Korea.
Accession NumberCPA-980224210 B
ClassmarkJH: G3: WH: JBC: TY: TM2

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