Centre for Policy on Ageing


Health statistics
 — an annotated bibliographic guide to information resources
Author(s)Frieda O Weise
PublisherScarecrow Press, Lanham, MD, 1996
Pages178 pp
SourceShelwing Ltd., 4 Pleydell Gardens, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2DN.
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Ill health ; Health services ; Finance [care] ; Expenditure [care] ; Usage [services] ; Medical workers ; Teaching hospitals ; Information services ; United States of America ; Statistics [data] ; Bibliographies.
AnnotationThis bibliography contains annotated references to health statistics resources in the United States (US), covering mainly printed materials although electronic resources are noted. The focus is on the US although some international resources are cited, mainly from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization. The following topic areas are covered: vital statistics; morbidity; health facilities; health personnel; health professional education; health services utilisation; health care costs and expenditures; and population characteristics. The appendices include lists of newsletters and journals dealing with statistical topics, government agencies and international organisations which collect and disseminate statistics; associations and foundations which publish statistical information; and regional depository libraries.
Accession NumberCPA-980224204 B
ClassmarkCC: CH: L: QC: QD: QLD: QT: V6: UV: 7T: 6C: 63

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