Centre for Policy on Ageing


Emotion and aging
 — experience, expression, and control
Author(s)James J Gross, Laura L Carstensen, Monisha Pasupathi
Journal titlePsychology and Aging, vol 12, no 4, December 1997
Pagespp 590-599
KeywordsEmotions ; Ageing process ; Chinese people ; Black African ; Norway ; Ministers of religion ; United States of America ; Cross cultural surveys.
AnnotationAge differences in emotional experience, expression, and control were investigated in four studies: a community sample of 127 African Americans and European Americans (ages 19-96 years); a community sample of 82 Chinese Americans and European Americans (ages 20-85 years); a community sample of 49 Norwegians drawn from two age groups (20-35 and 70 years and over); and a sample of 1,080 American nuns (ages 24-101 years). A consistent pattern of age differences emerged across these studies. Compared with younger participants, older participants reported fewer negative emotional experiences and greater emotional control. Findings regarding emotional expressivity were less consistent, but when there were age differences, older participants reported lesser expressivity. Results are interpreted in terms of increasing emotional control across the life span.
Accession NumberCPA-980224004 A
ClassmarkDL: BG: TKL: TKF: 76N: XR: 7T: 3KA

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