Centre for Policy on Ageing


EPICS: Elderly People's Integrated Care System: phase one
 — a description of the EPICS framework and the achievements of the first three demonstrations
Author(s)Richard Hollingbery
Corporate AuthorHelen Hamlyn Foundation
PublisherHelen Hamlyn Foundation, London, 1994
Pages116 pp
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Community care ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Kensington and Chelsea ; Derbyshire ; Shropshire ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe fullest description (in one document) of the philosophy of EPICS, its origins and achievements. Includes a description of the three demonstration projects and case studies. Contents: Executive Summary; Foreword by The Rt Hon The Lord Owen; Introduction by Helen Hamlyn; The Need for a New Approach: The EPICS Solution; The EPICS Framework; The EPICS Demonstrations: The History of The Helen Hamlyn Foundation; North Kensington EPICS, London; Derby EPICS; EPICS in Shropshire; EPICS Expanded and Exemplified: The Philosophy: The Primacy of Older People; The EPICS Centre; Holistic Assessment; Generic Care Workers; Consolidated Care Management; All-inclusive Care; One Organisation or Amalgamated Finances; Achieving the EPICS Goal; EPICS Achievements and Central Issues; Conclusions and the Future; The Personal Experience: Case Studies; Details of On Lok; The EPICS Workshop; References; List of Boxes. [RHb] [EPICS collection].
Accession NumberCPA-980216024 B
ClassmarkI: L: PA: QAJ: QK6: 82LL: 8D: 8S: 7T

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