Centre for Policy on Ageing


Comprehensive and integrated care for the frail elderly
 — proposal for the development of a demonstration project
Author(s)Howard Bergman, François Béland, André-Pierre Contandriopoulos
PublisherMcGill University, Montreal, 1995
Pages11 pp
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Community care ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Finance [care] ; Canada.
AnnotationAn EPICS-type project proposal from Canada which draws on the experience of EPICS and PACE (On Lok replication programme). One model to be explored will be a capitated budget covering all health, social services and personal care of the group of frail elderly people in the project. Contents: present situation; a system of care for the frail elderly (references EPICS); project plan; timetable; innovative nature of the project; benefits of the project and methods of evaluation; project investigators; conclusion; references. [RHb] [EPICS collection].
Accession NumberCPA-980216006 P
ClassmarkI: L: PA: QAJ: QK6: QC: 7S

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