Centre for Policy on Ageing


Elderly peoples voices ...elderly action research project 1992 - 1994 : Needs and concerns of people aged 75 and over in long term care
Author(s)Brenda Staniforth
Corporate AuthorElderly Action Research Project, North Derbyshire Health Authority
PublisherNorth Derbyshire Health Authority, [Chesterfield], [1995?]
Pages25 pp (excluding appendices)
KeywordsOver 70s ; Nursing homes ; Care homes ; Health services ; Services ; Long term ; Needs [elderly] ; Consumer ; Social surveys ; Derbyshire.
AnnotationThe government's community care policies require health and social services boards to assess the health and social care needs of their resident population. This report describes and analyses the findings of a sample survey of people aged 75 and over in residential or nursing homes, hospital or social service provision within the Bolsover, North East and Chesterfield localities. It indicates that although most of those interviewed were reasonably satisfied with the care they received, there are also specific unmet needs with regard to transport and finances. The report concludes that service providers should involve older people in planning and evaluation of community care; and for those now aged fifty, their needs and preferences should also be ascertained.
Accession NumberCPA-980210212 B
ClassmarkBBK: LHB: KW: L: I: 4Q: IK: WY: 3F: 8D

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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