Centre for Policy on Ageing


Housing options for ethnic elders
Corporate AuthorHanover Housing Group
PublisherHanover Housing Group, Egham, 1997
SourceHanover Housing Association, Hanover House, 18 The Avenue, Egham, Surrey TW20 9AB.
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Housing [elderly] ; Very sheltered housing ; Family care ; Needs [elderly] ; Social surveys ; England.
AnnotationIn 1996, the Hanover Housing Association conducted some preliminary qualitative research into the housing needs of older people, focusing on the role of relatives and other advisers, the sources of housing information, and the criteria used when choosing different types of housing. This document outlines the findings from a study using the same approach, that is, interviews with older people ( 24), their relatives (16), and professionals (7) in minority ethnic communities in England. Findings revealed that the main sources of information and communication were day centres, religious institutions, and family members. The traditional practice of families caring for their older relatives were still in place, although pressures on families have created a role for religious and community groups in providing services. A demand for extra care sheltered housing was found in some communities, although its appeal would depend on the incorporation of culturally appropriate facilities. Interviews with local authority professionals indicated a need for residential and sheltered housing.
Accession NumberCPA-980203210 B
ClassmarkTK: KE: KLA:58D: P6:SJ: IK: 3F: 82

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