Centre for Policy on Ageing


Homes for the third age
 — a design guide for extra care sheltered housing
Author(s)David Robson, Anne-Marie Nicholson, Neil Barker
Corporate AuthorHousing Research Unit, University of Brighton; Hanover Housing Association; The Housing Corporation
PublisherE & F N Spon, London, 1997
Pages184 pp
SourceHanover Housing Association, Hanover House, 18 The Avenue, Egham, Surrey TW20 9AB.
KeywordsVery sheltered housing ; Architectural design ; Buildings ; Guides, guide books.
AnnotationIn the past, sheltered housing was often designed to meet the needs of older people who were still relatively fit and independent. The implicit assumption was that, as they grew more frail, residents would be gently moved on to care homes or nursing homes. Recently, however, a number of providers in the voluntary and private sectors have been developing a new concept - 'extra care sheltered housing': flats are designed from the outset to accommodate a range of age-related impairments, communal facilities are provided and care services available when they are needed. The aim is to enable older people to "age in place". This book, aimed at those who are involved in commissioning, designing, building and running extra care sheltered housing, starts from the premise that good design can help to minimise the disabling effects of ageing and can enhance the quality of life of older people. It looks at the needs of older people, and sets out design criteria for the visual, acoustic and thermal environment. The various stages in the overall planning of an extra care housing scheme are described, and the design of the main elements of a scheme are examined. Some of the main environmental design issues are also outlined.
Accession NumberCPA-980203209 B
ClassmarkKLA:58D: YB3: YBB: 69N

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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