Centre for Policy on Ageing


Insurance law reform : the consumer case for a review of insurance law
 — a report by the National Consumer Council
Author(s)John Birds
Corporate AuthorNational Consumer Council - NCC
PublisherNational Consumer Council, London, 1997
Pages77 pp
SourceNational Consumer Council, 20 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0DH.
KeywordsConsumer ; Insurance ; Law ; Social policy ; Australia ; Reports.
AnnotationAlmost every household in the country buys personal insurance of one kind or another, to safeguard the value of their belongings, home, income, health or travel, in case of crime, accident or other disaster. That consumers have problems with insurance are evident from the number of enquiries dealt with by advice and information agencies. This report examines the operation of the law and the insurance industry's self-regulatory measures. It identifies those areas where consumers are still at risk. The focus is on personal insurance in general, except for life insurance. The report concludes that legislative reform, such as undertaken in Australia, is the only effective solution. The Australian reforms are looked at in some detail - including the reactions of the insurance industry and consumer representatives - and are used to suggest insurance industry reform in the UK.
Accession NumberCPA-980127231 B
ClassmarkWY: WP: VR: TM2: 7YA: 6K

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