Centre for Policy on Ageing


Low-care cases in long-term care settings
 — variation among nations
Author(s)Naoki Ikegami, John N Morris, Brant E Fries
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 26, Supplement 2, September 1997
Pagespp 67-71
KeywordsResidents [care homes] ; Mobility ; Self care capacity ; Institutional accommodation ; Cognitive processes ; Evaluation ; Denmark ; Iceland ; Italy ; Japan ; Sweden ; United States of America.
AnnotationResidents of long-term care settings without major activity of daily living (ADL) deficits are often referred to as `low-care cases' and are deemed inappropriate for institutions. The prevalence and characteristics of this population in Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Sweden, and the US are compared, using the Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set (RAI/MDS). Low-care cases ranged from 27 to 52% using a broad definition of no physical assistance required in late-loss ADLs (bed mobility, toileting, transfer and eating). Using a narrower definition additionally excluding those in Resource Utilisation Groups, version III (RUG-III) categories of rehabilitation, clinically complex, impaired cognition and behaviour problems, percentages range from 9 to 35%. Finally, 2-24% meet the most restrictive definition, which further excluded residents requiring any supervision in late loss ADLs, with any deficits to early-loss ADLs (dressing or grooming) or needing medical and psychiatric supervision. Although long-term care settings differ, making comparison by country difficult, the use of the same standard assessment form makes it possible to compare the many reasons for institutionalisation. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980122426 S
ClassmarkKX: C4: CA: KV: DA: 4C: 76K: 76R: 76V: 7DT: 76P: 7T

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