Centre for Policy on Ageing


Variation in training programmes for Resident Assessment Instrument implementation
Author(s)Roberto Bernabei, Katherine Murphy, Dinnus Frijters
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 26, Supplement 2, September 1997
Pagespp 31-35
KeywordsResidents [care homes] ; Nursing homes ; Evaluation ; In-service training ; Comparison ; United States of America ; Japan ; Iceland ; Sweden ; Netherlands ; Switzerland ; Italy ; France.
AnnotationThis paper provides an overview of the Minimum Data Set/Resident Assessment Instrument (MDS/RAI) training programmes in eight countries where the system has been introduced into nursing homes (US, Japan, Iceland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, and France). Formal education and training in the skills of assessment and care planning of nursing home personnel is reputed to be poor. In response to this problem, several researchers and clinicians view MDS/RAI implementation as an opportunity to upgrade staff knowledge in the care of older people. Courses in the eight countries varied in content and length according to the different goals each interRAI researcher planned when the MDS/RAI was implemented. As expected, the greatest differences in training approach were between the US and other countries. In the US, where MDS/RAI is required by law in nursing homes, thousands of professionals had to be oriented to use the system in a relatively short time to comply with the law. The training programmes therefore tended to be very short compared to those that emerged in countries where MDS/RAI was freely chosen and implemented. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980122420 A
ClassmarkKX: LHB: 4C: QWD: 48: 7T: 7DT: 76R: 76P: 76H: 76C: 76V: 765

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