Centre for Policy on Ageing


Continuing and rehabilitative care for elderly people
 — a comparison of countries and settings
Author(s)G I Carpenter, C D Phillips, V Mor
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 26, Supplement 2, September 1997
Pages85 pp
KeywordsNursing homes ; Rehabilitation ; Aftercare ; Evaluation ; Comparison ; International ; United States of America.
AnnotationMany of the articles focus on methods of assessment of nursing home residents, in particular use of the US Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) introduced in 1991. They describe the origins of the instrument and its scientific basis and the first cross-national comparisons developed from data from more than 3 million assessment records from the US, Europe and Japan held on the interRAI database at the University of Michigan. Reliable data from diverse countries inject new information on how best to manage the care of older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980122415 A
ClassmarkLHB: LM: LN: 4C: 48: 72: 7T

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