Centre for Policy on Ageing


Life-span development
Author(s)John W Santrock
PublisherBrown and Benchmark, Madison, 1997
Pages705 pp
SourceMcGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Shoppenhangers Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 2QL.
KeywordsLife span ; Biological ageing ; Mental health [elderly].
AnnotationThis textbook takes a life-span perspective on understanding human development, and looks at the roles of health and well-being, the family, education and sociocultural contexts. It is divided into ten main sections, beginning with an introduction to life-span development followed by a section on pre-natal development and birth. The following seven sections looks at the physical, cognitive and socioemotional development in infancy, childhood, adolescence and early, middle and late adulthood. The final section looks at issues surrounding death and dying. Specific topics related to older people include: health; exercise; retirement; mental health, including dementia and Alzheimer's disease; religion; stereotypes of older people; policy issues in an ageing society; ethnicity, gender and culture; families and social relationships; and life satisfaction.
Accession NumberCPA-980113402 B
ClassmarkBG6: BH: D

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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