Centre for Policy on Ageing


The place of the elderly and retired in modern society
 — report on a quantitative survey prepared for Age Concern
Corporate AuthorMIL Research Limited
PublisherMIL Research Limited, London, 1974
Pages90 pp (excluding appendices) (J.5010 RLW/JMM)
KeywordsSocial characteristics [elderly] ; Living patterns ; Personal relationships ; Health [elderly] ; Social roles ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThis research aimed to provide Age Concern with source material on retired and older people's self-perception of their position in society, and enable Age Concern to produce a manifesto on the subject. Information was elicited concerning three main subject areas. First, their situation: health/mobility, financial status, accommodation, age, area, assistance received, and mode of transport. Second, their behaviour: social contacts, former occupation, pastimes, mobility, and religion. Their attitudes and how older people see themselves, and how they think others see them were considered in terms of loneliness/isolation, impairment, dependence, activity, leisure, usefulness to society, appearance, morale, self-respect, relationships, religion, bereavement and death.
Accession NumberCPA-980113216 B
ClassmarkF: K7: DS: CC: TM5: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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